These protective shoe covers are designed for use in all working conditions where shoes or floors need protection. Elastic finish on the top of the shoe ensures a good fit. This fabric conforms to EN14126-Biological Protection and EN1149-1 Anti-Static Protection.
Available shoe protectors for excellent protection against cross-contamination;
These protective shoe covers are designed for use in all working conditions where shoes or floors need protection. Elastic finish on the top of the shoe ensures a good fit. This fabric conforms to EN14126-Biological Protection and EN1149-1 Anti-Static Protection.
Available shoe protectors for excellent protection against cross-contamination;
Shoe Cover – Disposable
These protective shoe covers are designed for use in all working conditions where shoes or floors need protection. Elastic finish on the top of the shoe ensures a good fit. This fabric conforms to EN14126-Biological Protection and EN1149-1 Anti-Static Protection.
These protective shoe covers are designed for use in all working conditions where shoes or floors need protection. Elastic finish on the top of the shoe ensures a good fit. This fabric conforms to EN14126-Biological Protection and EN1149-1 Anti-Static Protection.